9th Annual Photo Contest
Categories: Landscapes, River Towns, Susquehanna Adventures, and Wildlife
Entry period: 2019
Traveling Gallery Locations
October/November – Old Forge Brewing Company
December – The Kind Cafe
January – CANCELLED (due to COVID-19 precautions)
February/March – Susquehanna University Blough-Weis Library
April – The Exchange
May/June – CANCELLED (due to COVID-19 precautions)
July – The Sawhorse Cafe
August – Wyoming County Cultural Center at the Dietrich Theatre
September – Avenue 209 Coffee House
October – State Capitol Building, East Wing
November – Dauphin County Board of Commissioners Offices, 4th Floor
December – Union County Public Library
The Susquehanna Greenway Partnership (SGP) is pleased to announce the winners of the 9th Annual Susquehanna Greenway Photo Contest, Treasured Towns and Landscapes of the Susquehanna.
Entries from all across the state poured in during the three-month contest period, which ran from April 2020 to June 2020. Contest categories included Treasured Landscapes, Treasured River Towns, Susquehanna Adventures, and Wildlife.
Please note, the following images are displayed in accordance to a limited license awarded to the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership by the photographers. All copyrights to these images are reserved by the noted photographer. Do not duplicate or reproduce these images without the written consent of the given photographer.

1st Place Winner: Terry Dickmyer
Category: Landscape
Location: Wrightsville, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “This mornings plan was for a sunrise and fog photograph. While waiting quietly I hear someone talking. In a short while a fishing boat running on electric troll motor passes by. I don’t even think they new I was there. Morning Cast.”

2nd Place Winner: Jason DeBloois
Category: Landscape
Location: Williamsport, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “Early morning walk along the Susquehanna Riverwalk in Williamsport, where you can spot these old sentinels keeping watch over the river.”

3rd Place Winner: Karl Conrad
Category: Landscape
Location: Sunbury, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “During an autumn morning late in 2019, my wife and I decided to rise before the sun and head over to the Susquehanna River to witness what we hoped would be an incredible sunrise. We had been having a lot of gorgeous morning and evening color recently. On this particular morning, the sun rise was uneventful, but as we packed up and headed back to the car, the light began to glow along the rivers edge. This was one of a series of images captured during an approximate 10 minute window of light.”

1st Place Winner: Michael Yatsko
Category: River Towns
Location: Harrisburg, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “This photo was taken in May of 2020 from City Island in Harrisburg. I do a lot of long exposure photography in order to capture a common scenes in uncommon ways. This was a 60 second exposure.”

2nd Place Winner: John Beatty
Category: River Towns
Location: Marietta, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “This aerial photo captures the small river town of Marietta as the sun sets on the Susquehanna River.”

3rd Place Winner: John Beatty
Category: River Towns
Location: Wrightsville, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “This is an aerial image I donated to the Susquehanna Heritage Gateway and Preservation PA to help preserve this historic “Mifflin Farm” which sits just outside of town in Wrightsville, PA. This farm was used as a stop along the Underground Railroad and is in jeopardy of being destroyed by a warehouse developer.”

1st Place Winner: Matt Gutelius
Category: Susquehanna Adventures
Location: Lewisburg, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “I wanted to fish so bad after work but realized that the grass needed cut. It was such a nice evening and all I wanted to do was spend it on the Susquehanna. I raced to get the grass cut and thankfully made it out on the river to fish for the last hour of daylight. I had the river to myself that night and could only hear the birds and my fly line shooting through the guides of my rod. Such a peaceful evening!”

2nd Place Winner: Dustin Underkoffler
Category: Susquehanna Adventures
Location: Pequea, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “This is one of my favorite views in Lancaster. House Rock has an amazing view of the river. You can see down to the Pinnacle and Tucquan Glen. The birds soar around you and boats buzz below.”

3rd Place Winner: Kathleen Harrison
Category: Susquehanna Adventures
Location: Columbia, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “Dances with Bubbles. I went to Breezyview Park to see the sunset and met a man who loves to Dance with the Bubbles. The sunset background at golden hour created a stunning image.”

1st Place Winner: Mark Boyd
Category: Wildlife
Location: Conestoga, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “I was looking for warblers to photograph in this local park one morning and I was hearing a few of them high up in the trees. Nothing was close. I decided to walk back to my car and I noticed 2 small birds beside my car chasing each other around in this small maple tree. They were Northern Parulas! I positioned myself close to the tree trying to keep them in my viewfinder. After a minute or two one finally stopped and rested on this branch, as I was snapping away I noticed the forsynthia bush in the background blurred out nicely creating the beautiful yellow background and the red maple seeds created another nice color punch to the scene.”

2nd Place Winner: Mark Boyd
Category: Wildlife
Location: Conestoga, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “Knowing that Barred Owls will linger a bit longer to hunt after sunrise if its cloudy or foggy, I ventured out on a very foggy morning to a patch of woods I heard some the week before. When I stepped out of the car I heard one hooting away. I slowly crept down a deer trail and saw one perched on this broken off tree. I positioned myself for some shots as he looked around hunting, and a few times he looked at me when he heard my camera shutter clicking away.”

3rd Place Winner: Edward Boardman
Category: Wildlife
Location: Ulster, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “An adult eagle brings a fish over to eaglets in a nest during a snowfall along the Susquehanna River in Ulster, PA.”

Honorable Mention Winner: Maria Boileau
Category: People’s Choice
Location: Lock Haven, PA
Story Behind the Shot: “In the midst of a pandemic, city leaders and downtown businesses came together to offer an opportunity to open Main Street and help small businesses. A night in my favorite downtown. Lock Haven is a beautiful community. Lots of people are making sure our businesses succeed.”
Hundreds of the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership’s Facebook friends voted for this honorable mention image to be named People’s Choice and included in the Traveling Gallery.