Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible?

Applicants must be a public entity (such as a county, municipality, or municipal agency) or a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization eligible to apply for DCNR-supported funding and registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charities (BCO).

Can submit more than one application?

Yes, but the Grant Review Committee will only reward one to your organization.

When does the project need to be completed?

If awarded, the project will need to be completed within 12 months of the contract.

If awarded a grant, how much money would we get up front?

Successful applicants will be eligible to request 80% of the grant funding when the grant contract has been fully executed. The remaining 20% will be awarded upon completion of the project and the approval of the final reporting and budgetary information by an SGP representative. 

Can I use match or utilize receipts from prior to the start of the contract period?

No. All funds must be expended after the start of the contract date and all match (cash or in-kind) must occur within the contract period.