West Branch Region

The West Branch region of the Susquehanna Greenway is the most remote section along the corridor. It meanders amidst a scene of enchanting woodlands and wildlife, with charming river towns nestled along the banks as you near the confluence of the river at Northumberland.

At 228 miles of river, plus the surrounding parks, trails, and communities, this is the largest section of the Greenway. The river banks and landscape of this region are laced with remnants of the area’s lumber industry and the Pennsylvania Canal network, while the river towns are perfect for breaking up any wilderness adventure–be it on foot, bike, or kayak!

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West Branch Map

West Branch Tours

Whether you feel like walking or driving, have a whole day, or just an afternoon, there is a tour for you along the Greenway!  Explore the links below and get going.

Driving Tours

Bucktail Trail Highway/Route 120 Scenic Drive
By: PA Wilds
The Bucktail Trail, Route 120 begins in Lock Haven, follows the West Branch of the Susquehanna River for a ways before stretching 100 miles west to Ridgeway.  The Pennsylvania Wilds Tourism Marketing Corporation has developed a driving brochure for this lovely stretch of road and it can be found on their website.
PDF Brochure

Elk Scenic Drive
By: PA Wilds
To help you discover these majestic creatures, PAWilds has mapped out the Elk Scenic Drive, a 127-mile route that winds its way through three state forests and three state game lands. You can hear bull elk bugle from the Gilbert Farm and Dent’s Run sites on Winslow Hill.
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Walking Tours

By The Northumberland County Historical Society
PDF Brochure

By The Northumberland County Historical Society
PDF Brochure

By Susquehanna River Valley Visitors Bureau
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By Williamsport Community Arts Center
PDF Brochure